What is it?
Well, I define it as the "interesting, interested and influential " consumers who are...
1. constantly seeking out "events" to attend.
2. constantly sharing information about good "events" with others.
3. challenged to separate the "news" from the "noise" when it comes to selecting which "events" to attend and share.
4. Seeking out the Event-Centric Travel™ opportunities that set them apart (make them cooler, perhaps) than their peers. Learn more about Event-Centric Travel™ HERE.
The Social Set™ is not "the masses". It is a small minority of tastemakers, trendsetters and advocates who LOOK FOR and SHARE information about good "events". Members of The Social Set™ are found more often at fundraisers and other charity functions than they are clubbing, partying or raging but they are not boring, stodgy or stiff people who cannot or NEVER "throw down" at a club, concert or any other kind of a "big party".
Taking it further, I'd say there are three types of people in The Social Set™
Attends events regularly. Enjoys the fun and excitement of doing so, but is really not out to be a big advocate for any charity or to share or garner knowledge in the "category of interest", cause or subject the event features. Hobbyists are at events "for a good time", and thats about it. They follow others to events but they dont often lead.
Those who attend A LOT of events. People who actively look for good events and support specific charities with time, money and advocacy (like encouraging others to attend fundraisers with them). These advocates are often "Connectors" who like to use events as a way to meet new people for personal and professional reasons. These people do lead others to events, but not terribly often.
Are "Advocates Extraordinaire" and "event-junkies". They are Uber-Connectors who regularly serving on host committees or occasionally serving as an event chair for fundraisers. They are volunteering, advocating and donating to multiple charities and their events all of the time. They attend at least one (if not several) events every week (or event in the same night) across multiple categories of interest. Events are a critical tool for their business and core to their identity, personally.
Poseur: These people are simply not really members of The Social Set™ although many of them would like to believe and tell you otherwise. However, they are part of "the scene", but that is something different. They use all manner of digital tactics to "promote" various (sometimes nefarious) promotions and parties at bars and nightclubs. They are often "scensters" who are in the employ of a "venue" they must market and promote. There is nothing wrong with that as a vocation, per se, it is just that most often they are offering "promotions" (not events) at ONE venue or several like venues. Usually, these are "night-clubs" and these are usually "club kids" or "promoters" who are more concerned with who the DJ is than whether or not any cause is served. Their stories and their events don't change much and tend to be (more or less) the same kinds of things. They make a lot of noise and generate a lot of spam, which is mildly annoying. Again, they are not bad people, but as you probably agree, those you meet and what you get done late at night in a loud club setting seldom leads to much more than "getting drunk and throwing-down". And while there is a time, place and need for that for all, these kinds of things are seldom participated in by The Social Set™. Why? Because they are at so many events (especially for the Professionals) that they simply don't have much time for or interest in "clubbing".