Event Savant is a blog by accomplished event producer Kevin Joseph. Posts here will feature the best & brightest in charity events (and often those behind them) in NYC, and beyond. The most interesting, interested & influential among The Social Set will find great value in it. Occasionally, Kevin will feature events in other markets - events worth traveling to, that is. So, climb aboard our beautiful blimp and enjoy the flight!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

RUN for the PARKS


In Spring it is easy to be reminded about how wonderful NYC's parks are as they bloom, bud and blossom. And what better way is there to celebrate, enjoy and support them than with a 4 mile run in Central Park? New York Road Runners supports Run for the Parks with a legitimate timing (for you competitive types) and all proceeds go to support CITY PARK'S FOUNDATION. And bring the kiddies, their race startes at 9am.

It's a great course which starts in Central Park @ East Drive south of 72nd Street Traverse. COURSE & RACE INFO @ NYRR.ORG

As always, feel free to send me interesting events for me to consider posting. If you'd like to know what kinds of events I am looking for read the following white papers, posted on my blog: (1) What is an Event (2) Got an Event? This blog DOES NOT feature other kinds of GATHERING S such as "promotions", "spectacles", "performances", "attractions", "sporting events", "private events", "recurring club nights" or things that are strictly "parties". There are plenty of other places for people to find that information.

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