Event Savant is a blog by accomplished event producer Kevin Joseph. Posts here will feature the best & brightest in charity events (and often those behind them) in NYC, and beyond. The most interesting, interested & influential among The Social Set will find great value in it. Occasionally, Kevin will feature events in other markets - events worth traveling to, that is. So, climb aboard our beautiful blimp and enjoy the flight!

Monday, April 12, 2010


As New York Entrepreneur Week takes flight this week, in I thought it appropriate to mention another business related event in NYC. But, alas, I snoozed and I lost. Fast Company's INNOVATION UNCENSORED is SOLD OUT for 2010, but, informing you about it for next year is still worth a blog post as is reminding you of the start of New York Entrepreneur Week which I blogged about a couple of weeks ago, .

I recommend setting up a reminder in your calendar for Innovation Uncensored 2011 and/or get on their mailing list / subscribe to their blog to avoid blowing it next year. Being a loyal Fast Company reader, I'd have to believe them. The list of moderators and speakers is just nuts.

In the interim, do check out New York Entrepreneur Week this week and consider joining us for the launch of "Do It In Person" with a cocktail party in Rockefeller Center on Thursday, April 15th where we can toast to the positive indicators of an economic recovery in America. Details on this cocktail party, daily tickets and week long passes for NYEW are still available HERE

++++++++++++++++++++++++ WHATCHA GOT? +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
As always, feel free to send me interesting events for me to consider posting. If you'd like to know what kinds of events I am looking for read the following white papers, posted on my blog: (1) What is an Event (2) Got an Event? This blog DOES NOT feature other kinds of gatherings such as "promotions", "spectacles", "performances", "attractions", "sporting events", "private events", "recurring club nights" or things that are strictly "parties".

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