April 16 - 19 || NYC

Seldom do you see such a well organized and presented event. SOFA is one of those events with features upon features and a great web site to present it all. This is the kind of event I love to recommend and will probably attend on Friday.
From the home page of their web site I can see this is a winner. Newbie event producers and fundraisers take note, this is how it's done:
- Tickets are really reasonable with GA starting at only $25.
- 56 galleries from 12 nations represented.
- There is a lecture series brilliantly branded SALON SOFA.
- Slick rotating gif slide show of some really cool pieces (people are "visiual beings'. Photos excite them)
- The heads up on the Opening Night preview event to benefit MAD (Museum of Art & Design http://www.madmuseum.org/
- There are at least 2 other SOFA events: Santa Fe in July and Chicago in November
That's a fair amount of good (and engaging) info for a home page. I was drawn in. And that is the idea.
Some details on the Opening Night Reception on Thursday, April 15, an event within the event:
$100 is reasonable and it includes a cocktail reception featuring "A taste of New York" honoring MAD Trustee Sandy Grotta will be held in the Tiffany Room of The Park Avenue Armory, which, is evidently a space to behold. So that alone might be worth $100. Patrons will be able to partake in a "first look" walking tour of SOFA with MAD Director Holly Hotchner and Curator of Jewelry, Ursula Neuman. NOT: That's early @ 12:30pm. This all benefits
Digging a bit deeper into the site I discovered another "event within the event" (I love this kind of thing)
It is a celebration of glass called FĂȘte de Verre on Friday, the 16th at Capitale. DETAILS:
It looks to be a benefit for Urban Glass where some 350 artists share studio space. I bet they put out some nice work. Can't make it? There is a great online auction for you to bid and support these artists: http://urbanglass.org/auction/auction.php?year=2010
As always, feel free to send me interesting events for me to consider posting. If you'd like to know what kinds of events I am looking for read the following white papers, posted on my blog: (1) What is an Event (2) Got an Event? This blog DOES NOT feature other kinds of gatherings such as "promotions", "spectacles", "performances", "attractions", "sporting events", "private events", "recurring club nights" or things that are strictly "parties".
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